Development and Safety Codes Permit Forms

Application Forms    

Please note that Development, Electrical, Plumbing, Gas, and Private Sewage and Disposal System Permit Applications will not be processed until payment has been received at the Municipal Office. 

All Building Permit Applications are submitted and processed, and then the applicant will be contacted to make the payment and pick up the Building Permit. 

Payments can be made by Cheque, Cash, Debit, VISA, or Mastercard. 

For more information please call the Municipal Office at 403-562-8833.  

Annual Electrical Permit Application

Development Permit Application Form

Rezoning Application Form

Encroachment and Caveat Application Form 2024

Historic Resource Designation Application

Building Permit 2024 - fillable

Building Solid Fuel Permit 2024 - fillable 

Electrical Permit 2024 - fillable

Gas Permit 2024 - fillable

Plumbing Permit 2024 - fillable

Private Sewage Disposal Permit 2024 - fillable

Farm Building Declaration

Permit Refund Request Form

Permit Extension Request Form

Inspection Request Form

Building Permit Application Checklist

  • Except when otherwise permitted by an Officer, with each application for a Building Permit, two sets of construction plans, drawings and specifications shall be submitted to the Municipality. For applications that require Development Permit and Building Permit, three sets of drawings shall be submitted.
  • Sufficient information shall be provided to show that the proposed work will conform to this Code and whether or not it may affect adjacent property.
  • Plans shall be drawn to scale and shall indicate the nature and extent of the work proposed in sufficient detail to establish that, when completed, the work and the proposed occupancy will conform to the Code.
  • Plans and specifications shall include, so far as is applicable:
  • Floor plans on a scale of not less than 1:100 or legible (discretion of Safety Codes Officer),
  • Dimensions of all rooms,
  • A description of the purpose of all rooms,
  • The location of all walls, partitions, doorways, windows and other openings,
  • The finish of all floors, walls, and ceilings,
  • The location and description of all fixed equipment, and
  • Building sections, elevations and details sufficient to determine the proposed construction meets the requirements of the Code.
  • Plans and specifications for a permit must show the proposed occupancy of all parts of the building.
  • Plans and specifications shall be drawn to scale upon substantial paper or other acceptable material and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work proposed and to show in detail that it will confirm to the provisions of the Act, Municipal Bylaws and any other relevant regulations.
  • Each set of plans shall state the building or premises address, the name and address of the owner of the building or premises, a name and address of the person who prepared the plans and when an agent represents the owner, the name and address of the agent.
  • Area of lot
  • Property lines
  • North arrow
  • Civic address and legal address
  • Area of existing building and percentage of lot coverage
  • Area of proposed buildings and percentage of lot coverage
  • All projections (including cantilevers, bay windows, eaves, fireplaces, etc.)
  • All abutting streets, avenues, lanes, reserves, etc.
  • Building height from finished grades
  • Easement and utility right-of-way
  • Boulevards distance from the property line to the back of the sidewalks or curb where no sidewalk is provided
  • Finished grades at the property line shown at front and rear of property lines and the corners of the building
  • If floor and beams are engineered (e.g. Truss Joist, Nascor, etc.) manufactures layout will be required along with a suppliers letter (provided by designer)
  • Layout for roof trusses. If complex design specification will be required to be provided.
  • A subcontractor sheet, indicating subcontractors for projects; e.g. Names of contractors who will be doing work on the project, painting, dry-walling, framing, wiring, etc.
  • A declaration of construction value will be required for all commercial, industrial, large residential and institutional applications. Schedules will be required with all applications for larger projects in conformance with the Code.

Any person who tenders a permit fee pursuant to this Bylaw may surrender the permit to the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass and make an application in writing for a refund through a Permit Refund Request Form. No refund shall be made if the permit has been revoked or has expired; if use, occupancy, relocation, construction, alteration, repair or demolition has commenced; or an extension of the permit has been granted. A Safety Codes Officer may authorize a refund of a permit fee less 50%. A minimum amount of $100 will be retained but in no case shall an amount in excess of $1000 be retained when a permit has been cancelled.

Every permit issued by a Safety Codes Officer shall expire and become null and void if the undertaking which it applies is not commenced within 90 days from the date of issue of the permit; or is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days; or is in respect of a seasonal use residence and the undertaking is suspended or abandoned for a period of 240 days after the undertaking is started.  If it appears to a Safety Codes Officer that special circumstances exist, he may extend the period of validity of the permit for a fixed period of time when a written request is submitted through a Permit Extension Request Form.  Fees may apply.

Effective June 1, 2016 if any work, including excavation, has been started before the issuance of the relevant permit and/or Development Permit, the permit fee shall be double the fee required by the Fees, Rates, and Charges Bylaw for all remaining permits being issued for the project.  Any person or Corporation guilty of an infraction or breach of any of the provisions of the current Safety Codes Bylaw shall, upon conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding TEN THOUSAND ($10,000) DOLLARS.  Any person who is guilty of an offence of the Safety Codes Act is liable as per the Safety Codes Act.

Inspection Procedures

Site inspections for all disciplines can be requested by submitting an Inspection Request Form. The Safety Codes Officers of the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass will inspect at several stages of the project as determined by the Safety Codes Bylaw Schedules A - D.

Site inspections will be completed in a timely fashion (we will endeavour to inspect within two working days and will not exceed five working days, when contacted for a required inspection unless otherwise noted).

New Home Buyer Protection Act

On November 20, 2013 the Government of Alberta passed the New Home Buyer Protection Act. This Act requires builders to provide home warranty coverage for all new homes built in the province starting February 1, 2014.  The Act covers all new residential construction built under a permit applied for after the in-force date of February 1, 2014, including:

  • houses;
  • condominiums;
  • recreational properties such as cottages and cabins; and
  • modular and manufactured homes.

All new homes (detached homes and condominiums) must, at a minimum, include a warranty for:

  • One year labour and materials;
  • Two years for defects in labour and materials related to delivery and distribution systems;
  • Five years building envelope protection, with a requirement for the warranty provider to offer the consumer the option to purchase additional years of coverage; and,
  • 10 years coverage for major structural components.

The Act applies only to new homes constructed under a building permit applied for after the February 1, 2014 in-force date of the Act.  Further, the Province of Alberta requires that the Municipality check for proof of warranty before issuing Building Permits. Therefore, after February 1, 2014 the Municipality will not process any Building Permit for new homes without verifiable proof that new home warranty coverage is in place.

If you require further information regarding this issue, you may contact Alberta Municipal Affairs at: or 1-866-421-6929 or;

Development Officer at (403) 563-2218 or by email at