2024 Vote of the Electors on a Question


The Question on the Ballot:
Do you support the development and operation of the metallurgical coal mine at Grassy Mountain?

Poll Yes No
A1- Advanced 393 141
A2- Advanced 405 151
I3 - Institutional 67 12
A4 - Coleman 209 102
A5 - Coleman 171 72
B6 - Blairmore/ Frank 161 69
B7- Blairmore/ Frank 161 76
C8- Bellevue/ Hillcrest 166 67
C9-Bellevue/ Hillcrest 158 59
S10- Special Ballots 60 20
Total 1951 769
  71.7% 28.3%
  2720 votes cast

Estimate of 5083 eligible voters

Vote by Special Ballot

Municipal Council passed a resolution to provide the opportunity to electors to vote by special ballot in the 2021 General Municipal Election.

Who can apply to vote by special ballot?

An elector may apply for a special ballot package if they are unable to vote at the advance vote (October 12, 2021) or at the voting station on Election Day (October 18, 2021) because of:

  • Physical incapacity (including those that are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or other illness, those in quarantine, immunocompromised individuals or others wishing to abstain from in-person voting due to COVID-19), or
  • Absence from the local voting jurisdiction, or
  • Being a returning officer, deputy returning officer, constable, candidate, official agent or scrutineer located at a voting station other than the one designated for their place of residence.

When can you apply to receive a special ballot package?

Electors who meet the special ballot requirements can apply for a special ballot package any time between September 7, 2021 and the closing of voting stations on Election Day.

How to apply for a special ballot package

To apply for a special ballot package, the elector can:

  • Phone the Municipal Office at 403-562-8833.
  • Email the Returning Officer at Barbara.Kelly@crowsnestpass.com.
  • Visit the Municipal Office between 8:30am and 4:30pm on regular business days.

When will special ballot packages be mailed?

Special ballot packages will be ready to mail in early October, once the Returning Officer confirms there will be an election and the ballots have arrived from the printers and other sources (the senate and referendum ballots).

How will my special ballot be counted?

Special ballots must be returned to the Municipal Office at 8502 – 19 Avenue, Coleman NO LATER than the close of election polls on Election Day (October 18, 2021).  Late ballots will not be opened.

Ballots can be returned to the Municipal office either by:

  • In person to 8502 – 19 Avenue, Coleman (Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm or in the night drop box located at the north-east corner of the Municipal office)
  • Mail to Box 600, Crowsnest Pass, AB, T0K 0E0 (self-addressed envelope provided with the special ballot package).

For more information, please contact Barb Kelly, Returning Officer, at 403-562-8833.

Background on the Vote on a Question

At the September 10, 2024 Council Meeting Council passed a motion to hold a Non-Binding Vote of the Electors on a Question within the next 90 days.  The Vote of the Electors process is similar to a plebiscite or referendum and is held in accordance with the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA). 

The question that will be asked on the ballot is “Do you support the development and operations of the metallurgical coal mine at Grassy Mountain.” 

Councillor Ward put forward the motion with the following comment “In the last 10 years Northback and its predecessors have attempted to develop a coal mine to the north of our community.  Many individuals, organizations and levels of government have expressed an opinion on whether the project should move forward or not and its time the residents of the Crowsnest Pass were taken into consideration on this issue.” 

Read his full statement in the Council Package of September 10, 2024, item 10a.

Residents of the Crowsnest Pass who meet the criteria in the LAEA Section 47 will be eligible to vote which includes being at least 18 years old, a Canadian citizen that resides in Alberta in Crowsnest Pass on voting day.  If a person has more than one residence, the rules that govern which one is their place of residence under the act is detailed in section 48.

The vote on a question will take place within the next 90 days.  Details on the voting dates and times will be released once confirmed.