Notice of Public Hearing - Proposed Bylaw No. 1211, 2024
7:00pm, February 4, 2025
Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Council Chambers
8502 – 19 Avenue, Coleman
PURSUANT to sections 216.4, 606, and 692 of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, the Council of the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass in the Province of Alberta hereby gives notice of its intention to consider proposed Bylaw No. 1211, 2024, being a bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 1165, 2023, being the municipal land use bylaw.
The purpose of Bylaw No. 1211, 2024 is to redesignate the lands legally described as Lot 5, Plan 961 1980 within the SW¼ 16-8-4-W5M, containing ±6.365 ha (15.7 acres), as shown on Schedule ‘A’, from “Grouped Country Residential – GCR-1” to “Non-Urban Tourism Accommodation and Recreation – NUTAR”. The subject lands are located in Coleman.
The purpose of the proposed amendment is to provide for the opportunity to use and develop the lands in accordance with the provisions of the “Non-Urban Tourism Accommodation and Recreation – NUTAR” land use district.
THEREFORE, TAKE NOTICE THAT a public hearing to consider the proposed Bylaw No. 1211, 2024, will be held in the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Council Chambers at 7:00PM on February 4th , 2025. Each person shall be allotted 5 minutes to present their position.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that anyone wishing to provide slide decks, maps, videos or a written submission regarding the proposed bylaw should email: Bonnie Kawasaki, Executive Assistant to the CAO at with the bylaw number and public hearing date clearly marked in the subject line no later than 12:00pm on January 27th , 2025. Verbal presentations (limited to 5 minutes) will be accepted at the public hearing.
For questions regarding the proposed Bylaw Amendment please contact the Development Officer by calling 403-562-8833 or emailing
A copy of the proposed bylaw may be inspected at the municipal office during normal business hours.
DATED at the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass in the Province of Alberta this 18th day of December 2024.