Information for Candidates
Election Day will be held on Monday, October 20, 2025 from 10:00am - 8:00pm
Voters will elect six (6) Councillors and (1) Mayor.
Nomination Day will be held on September 22, 2025 from 10 am to noon in Council Chambers located at 8502 19 Avenue in Coleman.
To be eligible to be nominated as a candidate, an individual must be:
- At least 18 years old on nomination day
- A Canadian citizen
- A resident of the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass for the 6 consecutive months immediately preceding Nomination Day (since at least March 22, 2025)
- A resident of the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass on Election Day
- Not otherwise ineligible or disqualified
For more information on running for Municipal Council, please see the Resources Section below or pick up a Candidate Guide at the Municipal Office.
The Nomination Period is from January 1, 2025 to September 22, 2025 at noon. During this period nomination papers can be submitted to the Municipal Office at 8502 19 Avenue in Coleman. The Nomination Form requires a minimum of 5 signatures from electors that are eligible to vote and must be a resident within the local jurisdiction on the date of signing.
Form 4 Nomination Paper And Candidates Acceptance
You will also be required to fill out Form 5 Candidate Financial Information which collects financial and banking information of candidates, it must be submitted on or before nomination day.
Notice of Intent
New in 2025, Section 147.22 of the LAEA requires an individual who intends to be nominated or has been nominated to run for election in a local jurisdiction as a candidate to give written notice to the local jurisdiction before accepting a campaign contribution or incurring a campaign expense. A notice of intent may be submitted by mail, in person or by contacting the Returning Officer at The Notice of Intent can be submitted any time during the campaign period. Before filling out please review the Local Authorities Election Act to confirm you are eligible to be nominated as a candidate. Complete the Notice of Intent Form which must include the following information:
- First and last name
- Residential address including postal code
- contact information (email address, phone number, mailing address)
- Address of the place where the candidate records are maintained
- Name and address of financial institutions used for campaign contributions
- Name and signing authorities for campaign accounts
The Municipality will confirm that your Notice of Intent has been received and if your submission meets the requirements. The Municipality is required to maintain a Register of Candidates that have given notice in accordance with Section 147.22 on our website. Please note being added to the Registry of Candidates is not a substitute for completing the Nomination Process (above), you still need to be nominated to appear on the ballot, and must complete the nomination process prior to September 22, 2025 at noon.
The Returning Officer for the 2025 Municipal Election is Barb Kelly and she can be reached at