Meeting Packages & Minutes

Agendas for Council Meetings are posted two business days prior to the meeting and the full Packages are posted by 4:30pm on the business day prior to the meeting.

Meeting minutes are posted after they have been approved and signed.

For archived packages or minutes, please contact Laurie Lowe at 403-562-8833 or

Public Attendance at Council Meetings

Council Meetings are held in Council Chambers in the Municipal office at 8502 - 19 Avenue, Coleman.

These meetings are open to the public except on some occasions where all or part of a meeting is closed to the public to prevent the disclosure of information that is protected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  Any part of a Council Meeting that is closed to the public is known as In Camera.


A person may request to appear as a Delegation and make a presentation to Council, either on the person’s own behalf or as a representative of a group or organization. 

A delegation is a person or group of persons who appear before Council in order to make a presentation on a matter that is of broad interest to the Municipality and/or to bring Council up to date on a project, idea or concept.  Delegations are for presenting information only.  Council may ask questions or make comments, however, it is not a back and forth dialogue.

If you wish to appear as a delegation, please fill out the Delegation Request Form and return it to  Further details can be found on the reverse of the application form.

Correspondence to Council

Correspondence addressed to Municipal Council may become part of the public document, viewable by the general public.

Written communication intended for Council that is not being submitted in response to an advertised public hearing must identify the writer and the writer's contact information, and not be libelous, offensive, or improper.

Correspondence received no later than 4:00pm of the Wednesday prior to a scheduled Council Meeting will be placed on that meeting's agenda unless the agenda is already full or if there is a reason to group it with other pieces of correspondence or agenda items scheduled for another meeting.

Correspondence received after 4:00pm of the Wednesday prior to a scheduled Council Meeting will be included on a subsequent agenda.


Written Submissions for Public Hearings

Written submissions from the public in response to an advertised public hearing must be received by the CAO no later than 12:00pm one week prior to the public hearing.  Written submissions must clearly identify the writer, including the writer's address, and must not be libelous, offensive, or improper.  

Members of the public may also speak in person at the public hearing.

Written submissions can be send to:  Bonnie Kawasaki, Executive Assistant at

Upcoming Council Meetings

Council Meetings are held in Council Chambers in the Municipal office at 8502 - 19 Avenue, Coleman.

Council Meetings are open to the public excluding In Camera portions of the meetings.

Upcoming Council Meetings

June 25, 2024 Regular Council 7:00pm
July 9, 2024 Regular Council 7:00pm
July 16, 2024 Regular Council 1:00pm
August 15, 2024 Budget Meeting 1:00pm
August 20, 2024 Regular Council 7:00pm
August 27, 2024 Regular Council 1:00pm
September 10, 2024 Regular Council 7:00pm
September 17, 2024 Regular Council 7:00pm
October 8, 2024 Regular Council 1:00pm
October 10, 2024 Budget Meeting 9:00am
October 22, 2024 Organizational Council Meeting 7:00pm
October 22, 2024 Regular Council 7:30pm
November 19, 2024 Regular Council 7:00pm
November 26, 2024 Regular Council 1:00pm
December 5, 2024 Budget Meeting 9:00am
December 10, 2024 Regular Council 1:00pm
December 17, 2024 Regular Council 7:00pm

*Please note this schedule is subject to change.


Regular Meeting

7:00 PM Council Chambers - 8502 - 19 Avenue Coleman

Regular Meeting

7:00 PM Council Chambers - 8502 - 19 Avenue Coleman

Regular Meeting

7:00 PM Council Chambers - 8502 - 19 Avenue Coleman

Regular Meeting

7:00 PM Council Chambers - 8502 - 19 Avenue Coleman

Regular Meeting

7:00 PM Council Chambers - 8502 - 19 Avenue Coleman

Regular Meeting

1:00 PM Council Chambers - 8502 - 19 Avenue Coleman

Regular Meeting

7:00 PM Council Chambers - 8502 - 19 Avenue Coleman

Regular Meeting

1:00 PM Council Chambers - 8502 - 19 Avenue Coleman

Regular Meeting

7:00 PM Council Chambers - 8502 - 19 Avenue Coleman

Regular Meeting

7:00 PM Council Chambers - 8502 - 19 Avenue Coleman

Regular Meeting

1:00 PM Council Chambers

Regular Meeting

7:00 PM Council Chambers

Regular Meeting

7:00 PM Council Chambers - 8502 - 19 Avenue Coleman

Regular Meeting

1:00 PM Council Chambers - 8502 - 19 Avenue Coleman