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Press Release - Non-Binding Vote of the Electors on a Question

September 18 2024

September 18, 2024- For Immediate Release- Council sets Date for the Non-Binding Vote of 
the Electors on a Question

Municipal Council of the Crowsnest Pass has set the Election Day for the Non-Binding Vote of the 
Electors to November 25, 2024. Electors of the Crowsnest Pass can vote in their voting 
subdivisions from 10 am to 8 pm. 

An Advanced Poll will be held on November 19, 2024 from 10 am to 8 pm at the Community Hall 
(formerly Elks Hall) located at 2025 129 Street in Blairmore.

Electors who are away from the jurisdiction on Election Day and Advanced Poll may vote through 
Special Ballot. Application for Special Ballot may be made in writing, by telephone, by fax, in 
person or by email. Information on how to request a Special Ballot will come out shortly. 

Council also passed a motion to allow for Institutional Voting at Peaks to Pines, Crowsnest Pass 
Health Centre, Tecumseh Apartments and the Returning Officer will work to coordinate voting times 
for those locations in the upcoming weeks. 

The Vote of the Electors on a Question was passed by Municipal Council on September 10, 2024. 
The question that will be asked on the ballot is “Do you support the development and operations of 
the metallurgical coal mine at Grassy Mountain?” The Vote of the Electors process is similar to a plebiscite or referendum and is held in accordance with the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA). 

Residents of the Crowsnest Pass who meet the criteria in the LAEA Section 47 will be eligible to vote 
which includes being at least 18 years old, a Canadian citizen that resides in Alberta in Crowsnest 
Pass on voting day. If a person has more than one residence, the rules that govern which one is 
their place of residence under the act is detailed in section 48.