Category 1, 2 and 3 Grants
The Municipality offers three categories of grants to community groups and organizations.
Category 1 & 2 grant applications open August 1 of each year for the next year and must be submitted using the link below
no later than September 30 to be considered during the annual budget process.
Category 3 grants are are available year-round, on a first-come first-served basis until the Category 3 fund is exhausted.
Category 1
Category 1 grants are available to organizations that provide the Municipality with an operational service.
Category 2
Category 2 grants are available to organizations that co-ordinate and offer annual events and activities to the general public within the Municipality.
Category 1 & 2 grant applications require a brief annual report outlining the service provided, operational issues and highlights; most current and approved Financial Statement; Listing of the amount of memberships, participant fees, sale of good and services, grant from other organizations and donations are also required.
Category 1 & 2 Grants Application Form -NOT CURRENTLY OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS
Category 3
Category 3 grants are available to local organizations within the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass, relative to new initiatives, and will be considered on a “first come, first served” basis. This funding and support is limited to one application per calendar year, to a maximum of $1,000 or a maximum of 50% of the total applicable costs (whichever amount is less). Council shall consider the total budgeted expenditures, the impact on the Municipality, overall value and significance to the community, etc. Youth and family events will receive preference.
A description of the new initiative will be required to be submitted, along with the Category 3 Grant Funding Application, to the Director of Finance. Applications are available below. Grant recipients will be required to provide a follow-up report, including an accounting of expenditures, within 60 days of the event.
Category 3 Grant Application Form
For further details, please read 1201-04 - Community Funding Support Policy