
The Municipality provides water services to our citizens through a variety of facilities. Water is produced from eight high quality ground wells and is treated at four treatment plants located in Coleman, Blairmore, Bellevue and Hillcrest. It is then stored in one of four concrete reservoirs and distributed by a complex piping system consisting of pressure boosting stations and pressure reducing stations that are required because of the varying elevations throughout the community. Water is also produced and stored in the Sentinel area west of Coleman for fire protection purposes.

All systems are monitored 24/7 by either an alarm system or through a supervisory control and date acquisition system called SCADA. Qualified Municipal employees also check and take samples from each facility for testing on a daily basis to ensure we are providing a safe, quality service. The Chinook Health Region tests our water weekly as well as an independent laboratory at regular intervals.

For concerns relating to your water, please contact the Municipal Office at 403-563-2220.

Water Shut-Off

To request a temporary shut-off, please contact the Municipal Office at 403-563-2220.  Please allow a minimum of 24 hours to schedule the work unless it is an emergency.